Holiday Open House at one of our favorite places - the Stitch Cafe in North Hollywood. Of course we had to come from far and wide to spend a couple of hours together shopping, eating, shopping, laughing, shopping, thinking about projects, shopping, colors, shopping, etc. When it was all said and done, we probably broke the bank, but came away with wonderful yarns for projects and fun - also made new friends. This was Melissa and Kelly's first trip to the Stitch Cafe and the first time Melissa, Christy and I met Kelly. It was also Melissa and Janet's first time to meet. Kelly was Melissa's stitch marker swap secret pal and we have all blogged back and forth. How nice to finally meet and have an evening of fun. Shop owner, Lisi, (dressed in black and white in picture) did a great job with this open house - besides shopping, we enjoyed great food and entertainment around a fire pit. We had actually checked out and paid for our purchases, but somehow sitting around the firepit with food allowed us to think about more projects and yarns we wanted to work with, soooo, you guessed it - another trip through the store and checkstand before we finally forced ourselves to leave and make the long trek home.
This was a great opportunity and much fun to spend a few hours with my daughters, sharing a common interest. Melissa on the left, Christy on the right and a proud mom in the middle! Papa Taylor so graciously offered to take care of the grandkids, Jessie and Jared, so Melissa could have a "girls night out". We talked about the possibility of all of us getting together some time soon to knit and work on our projects and of course talk, talk, talk. Maybe we could find some place in the middle since we are really spread out and spend a few hours some time. This was a night to remember and lots of fun in the middle of the holidays!