Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fancy Washcloth

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I was able to keep up with the day by day instructions on this washcloth, so when the last day's instructions came out - all that was necessary was a short knitting session, and I was done! This was the mid-month September washcloth for the monthly dishcloth group I belong to (see the Monthly Discloth KAL button) on my sidebar under Knit - a longs. I changed the pattern only in that I did a seed stitch border rather than a garter stitch border. This cloth took most of a ball of Peaches and Creme, on size 7 needles. It's almost too pretty to use, but I'm a very practical person, so most likely will be using it!

They're Done!

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They're done - they're finally done!  My Maple Leaf Socks are done!!!  With an anticipated trip to Durango, Colorado, for Thanksgiving, I just had to make myself finish these socks.  It will be quite chilly, I'm sure, in Durango at Thanksgiving, these socks scream "Thanksgiving Holiday" to me, so there you go . . . .  The first time I will wear them in on Thanksgiving Day as we prepare and have Thanksgiving Dinner with our daughter and son-in-law.  By the way, she has NEVER prepared Thanksgiving Dinner before, so it should be fun helping and teaching her the ins and outs of a traditional Thanksgiving meal preparation.  I only wish that our other daughter and her family could be there, but due to scheduling, etc., they can't.  Perhaps another time.  We have tickets to ride the steam train the day after Thanksgiving - can hardly wait! 

These socks were knit with Lorna's Laces in the colorway called Glenwood.  The pattern was written by Jeanie Townsend who makes her patterns available to the Townsend Sock Yahoo Group members.  See my side bar for a link to the group. 

Monday, September 04, 2006

Snake Skin Socks Progress

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I almost didn't do this sock - the KAL pattern for August and September for the Six Socks KAL (see button on side bar for more information). Then after I saw some of the progress photos on the group site, that inspired me to search through my stash until I foundt this yarn - a beautiful colorway from Koigu - shades of brown, a bright peach, purple and lavendar, and olive green. Now these are probably going to be my favorite socks so far!!! I learned from this that I shouldn't rule out a pattern until I've at least given it a try with a swatch or something. I ordered some plain brown from Koigu for the heel and toe of the socks to give a little contrast and interest and make sure that I had enough yarn. Also, since the yarn is100% wool, I am adding brown "Wooly Nylon" to the heel and toe to give it reinforcement. These are going to be warm and very comfortable socks for this winter! Many thanks to the group designer for this beautiful pattern!